The CDF Story

The Cyprus Dialogue Forum is a non-formal dialogue space that aims to support and complement the formal peace process in Cyprus. It consists of stakeholder organisations from across the island that include the Political Parties, Trade Unions, Business and Employer Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations. It is a safe space for broad based participation and knowledge sharing that has been created to act as an accompanying mechanism to the formal peace process.

It is an inclusive space for dialogue

where key stakeholder organisations work together in key thematic areas.

Political parties from across the political spectrum work together in the Political Task Group. Economic, labour and political organisations work together in the Labour Market Task Group. Social, education and political organisations work together in the Education Task Group.

Inclusivity is at the heart of the Cyprus Dialogue Forum. It ensures that all key stakeholders are represented, and their views are part of the dialogue.

It is a stakeholder-led space

where each dialogue is shaped and driven by the stakeholder organisations that participate in it. It is the participating organisations that define and frame the agenda and purpose of the dialogue. And the outcomes of the dialogues are based on joint acceptance and ownership among stakeholders.

Ownership is at the heart of the dialogues. It ensures that any outcome is stakeholder driven and owned by the organisations that have created it.

It is a collaborative space

where stakeholder organisations work jointly to explore common ground, to create options for the future, based on shared visions and understandings.

Within the Cyprus Dialogue Forum, political parties from both communities jointly work to explore ways to strengthen the peace process. Economic, labour and political stakeholders work together to explore options in addressing economic and labour market challenges based on a shared vision for the future. Social, education and political stakeholders work to explore ways in which education can contribute to and foster peaceful coexistence.

Why is it important? Because where stakeholders work jointly, they begin to build the foundations of a more peaceful future.

It is a space for shared knowledge creation

where knowledge is jointly created with and for stakeholder organisations. In a space where access to information is limited between the communities, where information about each other is lacking, and where misinformation and disinformation are common, shared knowledge creation becomes fundamental to dialogue. It shapes and drives the dialogue forward, it makes information equally available and accessible to all, fills the gaps in knowledge between the communities and addresses key questions in the dialogue.

Shared knowledge allows for more informed dialogues grounded in shared understandings, shifting ‘I know’ to ‘we know’

How it all started?

In 2014 political, economic and social stakeholder organisations from the two communities of the island came together to design a shared and inclusive space for dialogue to support the peace process. Over the period of a year, they worked together to design the purpose, values, structures and processes of the Forum, captured in a common understanding document that acts as Forum’s statute, what is known as the Single Text

Who is involved

The Cyprus Dialogue Forum comprises stakeholder organisations from across the island, representing political parties, trade unions, business and employer associations and NGOs.

Donors & Partners

Financial & technical support to the Cyprus Dialogue Forum is provided by international actors and partners. All international actors and partners that support the Cyprus Dialogue Forum respect the values and principles of the Forum and uphold the autonomy and independence of the Forum and its members.

Current Donors & Partners








Past Donors & Partners









Office of the CDF Secretariat

The Secretariat is an integral part of the CDF structure. It is the administrative structure of the Forum, which is mandated to provide coordination, facilitation, research and technical support to the dialogues. The CDF Secretariat is responsible for managing all grant, collaboration and partnership agreements. It is required to do so by respecting and maintaining the independence and integrity of the CDF and its stakeholders. 

E. Akansoy


M. Zeniou


A. Özel


H. Ergüven


H. Çelebi


Administrative Partners

The Secretariat operates under two administrative partners who provide administrative support and make possible the Secretariat’s every day functions. Under their capacity as Administrative partners they do not have any decision-making authority on the substantive work of the Forum. They commit to respect and uphold the independence of the Forum, its stakeholders and its Secretariat. As agreed in 2015 in a Framework of Common Understanding, the administrative partners until otherwise decided by the Forum are the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research and the Humanitarian Relief Mission.