Press Releases

Declaration of the Cyprus Dialogue Forum

12 Mar 2015 - Press Releases

We as Political Parties, Trade Unions, Business Associations and NGOs from both communities have joined our efforts to create the Cyprus Dialogue Forum. The Cyprus Dialogue Forum is created as a response to a need for an inclusive and permanent space for structured dialogue and knowledge- sharing in which issues and challenges of common concern can be addressed. Through joint reflection and consensus building we believe this dialogue will address issues related to the Cyprus problem, by focusing and strengthening the flow of information between the wider society and the leaderships.

Since April 2014 we have been working relentlessly to put together a Single-Text document, representing the statute of the Forum in order to guide us in our future efforts. The document you hold in front of you has been carefully designed by all participating organisations in a series of over 70 meetings through a sincere process of consensus.

As the Forum we aim:

  • To act as a platform to understand and discuss perspectives across the multiple segments ofCypriot society on political, socio-economic, cultural and educational issues.
  • To create public awareness, acknowledge and incorporate the inputs of the wider public andhelp to prepare both communities for a solution.
  • To create a space for citizens to raise and address issues that are not included in thenegotiation process.

We commit ourselves:

  • To create common understandings and shared visions of the future.
  • To embrace multi-perspectivity and build a culture of co-existence based on shared valuesand solidarity.

Our role is to support the negotiations and all efforts to reach a mutually agreed federal solution, by acting as an inclusive participatory platform for dialogue. Through providing support and assistance, shared knowledge resources and common safe spaces, we aim to strengthen the culture of dialogue and reach common understandings on various issues and interests among Cyprus’ political, economic and social stakeholders.

The legitimacy of the Forum derives from its inclusivity and transparency. Therefore, as an open platform of cooperation and discussion between political, economic and social organisations in both communities, we call upon other organisations to join our efforts.

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